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Exploring the Impact of Food Education Mapping Project in the Advisory Group Meeting

Best Food Forward hosted the inaugural Advisory Group meeting for the Food Education Mapping Project, at The School of Artisan Food on January 16th. This project aims to provide an up-to-date and in-depth picture of how and what young people learn about food in secondary schools across England. Through listening to the voice of schools, the research aims to build an understanding of current challenges as well as best practice. It will communicate its findings, and provide ongoing support and ideas to schools, alongside local and national policy recommendations.


The 9-member Advisory Group is made up of a wide range of stakeholders, bringing together expertise from teachers, chefs, leading academics, public health strategists, consultants, and campaigners. The group aims to provide critical support for the research project and to provide eyes and ears for areas of interest in the member's specific fields.

The session enabled Jake Barwood and Rosina Borrelli, leads on the project, to present the project in detail and welcome comments and constructive discussion. It also created connections between a range of interested individuals, building energy and support for change in the field of food education and secondary schools. 

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