We are looking for secondary schools in England to sign up for our research into food education.
We are visiting schools to build a detailed picture of how young people learn about food in school. We want to hear your opinions and capture the great work being done, alongside the challenges in delivering it.
It’s free to participate, and your involvement will help shape a report on the future of food education.
To be involved, we will need to visit your school for half a day, speak to some teachers, students and join a practical food lesson. Participating schools will remain anonymous, but your voice will support the importance of food education.
Please register your interest here.
In summary:
It’s free to participate and a visit will take half a day.
All participating schools will be anonymised.
Your involvement will shape a report on the future of school food learning.
We will share best practice, ideas, and outcomes with schools.
As an added incentive, an individual from each signed-up school will be entered into a draw to win a day course at the School of Artisan Food in Nottinghamshire, including travel.
Jake Barwood,
Joint strategic lead for
mapping secondary
school food education
Best Food Forward